Semantic Error came like fate to Park Seo Ham. In fact, he was asked to join the show four times before he finally said yes. ŌĆ£I got the offer again after I left the agency,ŌĆØ he recalled. ŌĆ£But the filming was scheduled to start the very next day, so I refused again. The original work was so popular, and the platform was also popular. Many opposed the drama adaptation from the start, and itŌĆÖs been a while since I acted. So in all, I had no confidence.ŌĆØ But he chose the project in the end. ŌĆ£But the drama came to me when I was at a low point. And I got to work with Jae Chan. So I thought IŌĆÖd just go for it. I started thinking, ŌĆśItŌĆÖll be a priceless experience.‘ŌĆØ With Semantic ErrorŌĆśs popularity, Park Seo HamŌĆÖs Instagram followers spiked from 170,000 to 220,000. The show is currently ranked first in Watcha ranking. Park Seo Ham said, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm having fun reading the praises and trying to take in all the criticisms. Jea Chan and I have never won first place before. So this is our first time ever winning first place with Semantic Error.ŌĆØ He added, ŌĆ£We didnŌĆÖt react at first because it didnŌĆÖt hit us at first. But we started to get emotional after about two hours.ŌĆØ Expectations for season two are already high, but it wonŌĆÖt be possible for some time as Park Seo Ham will enlist in a week. ŌĆ£We have only dealt with the first half of the original story. So if I can do season two after discharge, IŌĆÖll be thrilled. And if there is season two, I wish itŌĆÖll be produced as a 10-part series, and I also want to film in the States.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Semantic Error is released on OTT platform Watcha. ┬Ā Source (1)