Set in October 1909,┬ĀHero┬Ātells the story of the Korean independence activist Ahn Jung GeunŌĆÖs unforgettable final year, from when he assassinated It┼Ź Hirobumi in Harbin to when he was sentenced to death by the Japanese court. Kim Go Eun will play Seol Hee, a secret agent of the independence army. Being the last court lady of the Joseon Dynasty, she disguises herself and secretly approaches It┼Ź Hirobumi to avenge him on behalf of the nation. The actress is expected to portray Seol HeeŌĆÖs complex psychology and show off her singing talent as well as her Japanese skills. She reportedly took vocal lessons for the movie to perfectly deliver her role in the upcoming movie. Director Yoon shared, ŌĆ£Her acting and singing were so astonishingly perfect that I didnŌĆÖt need to give her any directions.ŌĆØ Expectations are growing on how she will fascinate viewers with her part in the upcoming movie. Hero, based on a musical of the same name, will premiere in December. Source: CJ ENM