On the 17th, DSP Media issued an official statement regarding NaeunŌĆÖs school violence allegations. ŌĆ£In March of 2021, one online community post claimed that Lee Naeun took part in bullying during her elementary school days,ŌĆØ they wrote. ŌĆ£However, this was a strictly false rumor, and DSP Media proceeded to file a lawsuit against the original accuser, A, for defamation.ŌĆØ They continued, ŌĆ£A contacted DSP Media with intentions to apologize to Lee Naeun after reflecting on her actions. She even delivered a handwritten letter of regret, as shown below. As a result, Lee Naeun has decided to accept AŌĆÖs apology and will be dropping the defamation charges filed against her.ŌĆØ In the apology letter, A wrote, ŌĆ£I was always quiet and had no presence in elementary school. But contrary to me, Naeun got along well with many friends and was always bright and active. Feeling inferior, I wrote things that had nothing to do with the facts as if they had really happened to me. I did wrong to Lee Naeun and her label.ŌĆØ She added, ŌĆ£I know all my faults will just go away because Naeun dropped the charges. Because of this incident, I came to realize once again that even a small lie can cause great harm to others. IŌĆÖve realized the fear of writing things thoughtlessly on the Internet. So I will make sure something like this never happens again. IŌĆÖm sorry.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Kim Hoyeun: If you are a fan of K-drama, K-movie, and K-pop, I am your guy. I will continue to provide you with up-to-date K-entertainment news.