The group debuted in September 2008 with their debut single Hottest Time Of The Day and the title track ŌĆ£10 Out of 10,ŌĆØ showing off their presence and opening a new page in K-pop. These 6 macho boys gave birth to the term ŌĆ£Beast IdolsŌĆØ in the second year of their debut and received much love for their tall heights, masculine figures and unconventional concept. Especially, their unique acrobatic performances drew keen attention. Just last year, ŌĆ£My House,ŌĆØ the title song of their 5th full-length album released in 2015, re-emerged in the music charts, enjoying the belated popularity. Amid enthusiastic support from fans, 2PM shared, ŌĆ£We will come with good content with all the members. Please look forward to 2021 filled with 2PM,ŌĆØ raising expectations for their long-awaited comeback. ┬Ā Source (1)